
Morgan’s Mango will be closed for repairs and maintenance from Thursday, September 6th until Sunday, October 6th. We will re-open on Monday, October 7th.

We will not be monitoring e-mails during the first three weeks. Kindly e-mail or call after October 1st. We look forward to seeing you.

Morgan’s Mango Team

Sustainable Sourcing: Our Commitment to Fresh, Local Ingredients

Sustainable Sourcing: Our Commitment to Fresh, Local Ingredients



Nowadays, more and more people are interested in using responsible practices when choosing gastronomic establishments. The search for sustainability is becoming more and more frequent, which includes not only low-impact cooking practices and methods, but also the choice of fresh and local ingredients that contribute to the development of the community.

What is sustainable food?

Sustainable food is an approach that seeks to balance the satisfaction of human nutritional needs with care for the environment and, at the same time, support for regional economies. In other words, it seeks ingredients that are free of exploitation and at the same time allow communities to grow, develop and generate new employment opportunities. 


If we think of this in the context of Caribbean gastronomy, sustainability always means opting for fresh, locally sourced ingredients that come from sources that respect traditional agricultural and fishing practices and protect biodiversity in the region. It is an approach aimed at reducing the carbon footprint associated, for example, with food transportation and unhealthy forms of production of different ingredients, while encouraging the preservation of native species, the responsible use of natural resources and the promotion of local employment. 

Caribbean gastronomy and sustainability

In line with the above, the Caribbean is a territory characterized by a unique blend of cultures ranging from indigenous to European, African and Asian, which allows for a wide melting pot of culinary influences that are reflected today in one of the richest areas of the world in terms of its dishes and preparations. 


While historically Caribbean gastronomy has been nourished by sustainable ways of working the land and relating to the ingredients of the sea, the neo-Caribbean cuisine, which is the predominant one today, applies methods that are both protective of the environment and creative, in order to reinterpret traditional dishes by incorporating blends of local and global ingredients. 

Get to know Morgan's Mango and our philosophy.

Morgan's Mango is a restaurant that has been operating in St. John since 1992. The cuisine prepared in our kitchen covers a wide range of traditional and neo-Caribbean cuisines, such as Creole, Cuban, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Mayan, Bahamian, among others. This, in addition to the foods brought to the region by the colonizers from France, Great Britain, Denmark, etcetera.


Since its inception, Morgan's Mango has made a special effort to offer the highest gastronomic quality to its guests. This, under the strong belief that it is indispensable to combine fresh ingredients with careful preparations and a key dedication to reach the highest quality. The restaurant defines passion as its main ingredient, while maintaining a firm commitment to the use of fresh ingredients sourced from local producers, both from Caribbean agriculture and regional fishermen. This not only brings freshness and quality to the dishes of those who visit the establishment, but also promotes the development of the area. 


Are you looking for a unique and sustainable gastronomic experience? Visit Morgan's Mango!

Healthy Eating with Caribbean Flavors

The Caribbean is known worldwide for its vibrant flavors and the variety and richness of its cuisine, which reflects the cultural diversity of the region. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet while enjoying the best of Caribbean gastronomy is not only possible but also commonplace and can be highly pleasurable. With a strong focus on natural ingredients and the prominence of fresh fruits and vegetables, there are endless dishes to choose from without compromising healthy eating.

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A Culinary Tour of the Caribbean Islands

The Caribbean is one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world. Undoubtedly, this is represented in its gastronomy, where you can see its extensive history and the different cultures that have shaped its territories. Therefore, this time we want to take you on a journey through the favorite flavors of the Caribbean islands and you will find them, from the creativity of our chefs, at Morgan's Mango.

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