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A Culinary Tour of the Caribbean Islands

A Culinary Tour of the Caribbean Islands



The Caribbean is one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world. Undoubtedly, this is represented in its gastronomy, where you can see its extensive history and the different cultures that have shaped its territories. Therefore, this time we want to take you on a journey through the favorite flavors of the Caribbean islands and you will find them, from the creativity of our chefs, at Morgan's Mango.

Reggae and Jerk in Jamaica

Let's start with Jamaica, a country known for its vibrant culture and cuisine full of intense flavors and a great use of spices. An example of this is the famous jerk chicken, which is the island's signature dish, and is known for its spicy marinade of scotch bonnet peppers, cinnamon, thyme and other spices. Also very common there is the festival, a type of fried sweet bun with a side dish, and the ackee and saltfish, a dish that combines the ackee fruit with salted cod.

The tropical flavors of Puerto Rico

If there is one thing that makes Puerto Rico stand out, it is its creative use of both green and ripe plantains, making it one of the great destinations for tropical flavors. Tostones, for example, are crushed fried plantains, which are a very popular side dish in Caribbean cuisine. Crispy roast suckling pig also stands out, and we cannot forget the mofongos, crushed plantain waves stuffed with seafood, vegetables or meat. 

The gastronomic heritage of the Dominican Republic

The cultural diversity that has marked the history of the Dominican Republic can also be read in its dishes. An example of this is mangú, which consists of mashed plantains with sautéed onions, or sancocho, a thick meat and vegetable soup often served on holidays. 

Spanish and African influences in Cuba

In addition to the cases mentioned above, Cuban cuisine also has different influences, especially African and Spanish. Moros y Cristianos, for example, consists of rice and black beans cooked together. And, of course, we must also mention the Cuban sandwich, which is filled with roast pork, Swiss cheese, ham, pickles and mustard: an example of diversity.

Caribbean flavors of Barbados

If there is one thing Barbados is famous for, it is its cou-cou and flying fish, a national dish that combines flying fish and grits. Also popular are fish cakes, which are nothing less than fried fish cakes, a snack found in almost every corner of the country. 

The fusion of flavors of the Virgin Islands

Finally, the Virgin Islands, among which we include St. John in particular, stand out for a combination of typical Caribbean and U.S. flavors. An example of this is the pates, which normally consist of pies filled with meat, vegetables or fish and are perfect as a snack. The fungi, a polenta made of corn flour and okra, is also a common side dish in the region. 

If you want to taste the best flavors of the Caribbean during your trip and nourish your palate with history and cultural diversity, visit Morgan's Mango, a restaurant that brings you tradition, flavor, experimentation and creativity.  

Sustainable Sourcing: Our Commitment to Fresh, Local Ingredients

Nowadays, more and more people are interested in using responsible practices when choosing gastronomic establishments. The search for sustainability is becoming more and more frequent, which includes not only low-impact cooking practices and methods, but also the choice of fresh and local ingredients that contribute to the development of the community.

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Celebrating Caribbean Festivals and Traditions

The Caribbean is a region characterized by diversity. Its origin, as we know it today, is marked by the arrival of different cultures at different times in history. This has given rise to a long list of traditions and, in particular, festivals that are interesting to enjoy if you have the chance to visit the different countries that make up the region. Below, we tell you about some of our favorites:

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